Thursday, June 23, 2005

Gods and Goddesses

And God hath power over all things, he doeth what he willeth. If that is so, are we not Gods and Goddesses? Certainly, we don’t have power over all things, but can not we do what we will like God. A God or Goddess is there in us, whose attribute is Soul. These Gods and Goddesses compel the docile beings to worship them. Verily, they are but worshiped unwillingly by these docile beings.
The clods worship the Gods and Goddesses living in other beings, rapped in exquisite rind like a dazzling fruit filled with poison. Their example is like that of an intoxicated wine, filled in a dazzling glass placed in the midst of flowers tantalizing the innocent mortals for taste. And behold! If this wine touches their senses, they fall into a world befogged, fiend in the taste of that wine. Their epitome is a saint, who once chose to abandon the favors of the Mighty Creator and got fiend in having pleasure from the beauty of Goddesses, who can neither kill himself nor live in peace; who worships the powerful God living in him, a God from whom he wills to get rid off, but can not.
Which God was worshiped by Adam and Eve? The One who created them? Or the one who whispered in their hearts to ate the dazzling fruit from the tree? In the old times, came a servant of the Mighty Creator, endowed with wisdom. His power of speech and look of an angel warrior attracted the mortals who gathered around them. He posed a question to the crowd, “Tell me oh creation of the Mighty Creator, does the One who hath power over all things has power over you?” “Yes” came a reply from the midst of the crowd. The servant posed another question, “How can ye say that when ye do evil? If “yes” is thine answer, than tell me oh men, why the Mighty Creator does not prevent you from doing evil?” They all got dumbstruck. It was silence everywhere when the allaying breath of the mighty angel kissed through them under the burning heat of the sun.
The servant spoke, “Have ye oh people, not seen the birds who revive when the light begins to envelop the dark? And when the battle starts between darkness and light, ye see them flying back to their dwelling. Did ye Oh people ever wondered from where do they get their sustenance? Ye see their victuals never change as thine. These are creatures who worship the One Mighty Creator; these are the creatures on which the Mighty Creator hath power; they liveth their lives according to the will of One Mighty Creator. Remember when Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the tree of wisdom and discovered their nakedness. Wherefore two Gods and two Goddesses took life within Adam and Eve. One who teacheth them moral excellence and the other who teacheth nothing but viciousness. And so the Mighty Creator left Adam and his offspring to decide which God and Goddess they will chose to live the short time of life on an atom relative to the heavens. Thus, the Serpent was released to empower the evil God and Goddesses. So Oh brethren, live thine life according to will of the Mighty Creator”.
A man cried from the midst of the crowd, “Oh blessed servant of the Mighty Creator, from where the mortals shall discover the will of the Mighty Creator”. Then spoke the servant, “Oh brethren, there are amongst you who are joined with the evil God. The strong bond between these mortals and the evil God is the released Serpent. There are amongst you who willeth to be one with the virtuous God, and I Oh brethren, am sent with a strong bond to give thine relation -with the virtuous God- strength. That bond is the Will of the Mighty Creator, if thou wilt follow it, thou shall become one with the virtuous God which abides within you. And amongst you Oh brethren, are some who are inclined to both Evil and Virtuous God. The parable of their relation with both Gods is like the relation of Oil with Water. When thou shakest them in the container, they are one for some time, and after sometime, they separate from each other. The mortal is the Oil, and one God is impure water and the other God is pure water. And amongst you Oh brethren, are some who after my departure will worship me as the Mighty Creator because of the strong whispers of the Serpent. Some of you will create the Mighty Creator with their own hands out of the clay, and will worship it. And between some of you will the Serpent create rift, after empowering your evil Gods and Goddesses. So oh my brethren, embrace and adore the Will of the Mighty Creator, Who willeth nothing but to make you a perfect creation of His, by the Words of His Will.” After having said that, the blessed servant went afar away from the city. And after his departure, his vision of the future of mortals came true.

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