Thursday, June 23, 2005

The Two Lives

And what are the two lives? They are the addition of one life with another life. Example of their addition is like adding candlelight with the light of Mighty in Power. And how long does the candle light remains lit? It is finite. And how long does the light of Mighty in Power remains lit? It is infinite.

So Oh People, In this life which diminishes like a candle to wax, which seems to be still like a comet in mysterious dark sky, try to stop and smell the scent of that flower, try to pass a smile to that being which passes by you, try to give your meal to that beggar boy, try to feel the breeze kissing through your soul while the pink-gray-clouds move gently above you, try to close your eyes and smell the soft scent of the soil after the rain gives it a new life, try to ride a horse on the fields under the stretched sky, try to talk with the sad moon under the dark sky with stars. And why does those stars and moon like silver dots and a sphere on a black chart appear like heavens to a wise? Because he sees it from an eye buried in the depths of his heart. And Verily, He sees the signs of Mighty in Power, The Greatest.

And Respect the existence of every being, as every existing being is the creation of Mighty in Power.
So O People, work and stand firm for righteousness, and submit your selves to the will of Mighty in Power and let the peace rule over you. So O righteous people, wait for the infinite life where you will be enjoying in an unimaginable paradise. And O wronged people, wait for the infinite life where you will dwell in a painful hell where you will meat those eye-displeasing insects, which were there in your short life as reflections of hell.

And what does a man enjoying wine in cold knows the taste of water than the one in desert with dried lips? So O people, the hell fire is far hotter than the heat of the sun. And is the soft breeze sent by the Mighty in Power pleasing and cold for the one who lives in the cold air made by the creation of Mighty in Power? Nay! But the air created by his creator becomes hot for him because he rejects the blessed air of his creator, which is good for his soul and accepts the one made by one of his own kind, which buries him in this earthly life and is indeed not good for his soul. And verily, that soft breeze sent by thy Lord is pleasing for the one who earns his living under the hot burning sun.
Why to care for your better living in the short life than the infinite life? Care and hard work to make this life better has terrorized your minds. So O Wise do not cry at the grave of your beloved if he was amongst the righteous, but smile at his grave, as he will be dwelling in paradise. And let those who doth wrong and are lost in this candle-to-wax life cry at the grave of their beloved.

O Poor victim, do not let your heart split into two when you see your young offspring killed by an axis of evil, by such a horrifying evil whose truth is hidden under its skin. So wait for a severe torment, which will overtake this evil by the Mighty in Power.
O Righteous brave warrior fight against the evil and let not the evil rule over your beloved as you are chosen to fight against the evil, not only with sword but with words too. So wait for your reward O brave warrior, a reward, which indeed cannot be visualized or explained with the beauty of words.
O Beggar, do not beg for your living, as the righteous rich men are chosen to give you living and comfort, not only by money and food, but with words too.
Success is not achieving your dream vocation, success is achieving something unimaginable which is the pleasing paradise. Success is achieving the love of thy Lord and His chosen messengers whom the Mighty in Power sent to deliver His message His words His letter. And that is indeed a Greater success. So O righteous people enjoy your infinite life and let the Mighty in Power decide the fate of those who were wronged in their short life!

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