Thursday, June 23, 2005

Tears of Solitude and Peace

The rain went for a sleep after giving the soil a pleasant smell. Silence and peace danced on the soft melody of birds. The sun hid behind the dazzling beautiful clouds. I sat on the grass, and with my eyes closed I watched the dance of silence and peace in solitude, and lend my ears to the melody of birds and sea waves.

The beautiful nature is my intimate which responds to my attention towards it. Mortals reject my ecstasy towards them and leave me alone in my loneliness. Ah! My loneliness, what a beautiful experience it is. The angels of peace visit me and kiss my heart and pity me and remind me of that ‘Patient of Love’ to whom I went to swathe with my words of wisdom.

Turned I then my vision towards the heaven and gave a call to the Most Affectionate with tears in my eyes. Then gave me comfort my Most Affectionate Creator with His infinite affection, gave me comfort the stars shining while prostrating to Him, Reflected light of peace on me His Moon and rejoiced I in my loneliness while the tears kissed my face; Ah! My loneliness, what a beautiful experience it is.
Then cried I the prayer of The Impatient Servant. Cried I for forgiveness to my Lord, cried I for my final abode where will be tranquility and beauty everywhere and where will be gushing forth springs of comfort. Ah! Cried I… with tears in my eyes which thirst to see the “Praised One” of my Lord:

“Forgive me oh Lord for my impatience, forgive my arms for impatience for they can not wait for that day when they wilt embrace thine “Praised One”.

Thou oh Lord, hath commanded thine servants to be patient through thine “Praised One”, so shall it be. Thou art the one who gifts with patience, so oh Lord, oh thou Most Affectionate grant thine servants the gift of patience and have Mercy on us, oh Thou with infinite Mercy.”

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